A Little Bit About Us. . .
"And I will send grass in thy fields for thy cattle, that thou mayest eat and be full." Deuteronomy 11:15 kjv
My wife, kids and I count our blessings every day. We cannot believe what God has done for us. My wife thought I was crazy when I started raising grass fed chickens in our small suburban back yard in Etters, PA. I started reading more and more about commercial food and knew I had to do something...and it started with some backyard chickens laying fresh eggs. I built a small chicken tractor and moved them to a new patch of grass every morning and evening. Within a year, some friends of ours allowed us to expand our flock of chickens onto their land in Etters. We soon found ourselves selling eggs to our church family, neighbors and Red Land baseball friends. In the summer of 2017, I thought my wife was crazy when she put her faith in God and pursued a farm in Gardners PA. The odds were against us. . . there was no way we could afford a farm on the East Coast. But, God is good! Now, along with our 4 crazy kids, we raise chickens, cows and pigs based on not much more than plain and simple grass. And there's nothing crazy about that! We encourage everyone to get to know their local farmer (as crazy as they may be) and buy local. Our farm, which we like to refer to as our ranch, is nestled in beautiful picturesque Adams County just minutes from RT 15 or Interstate 81 in Apple Orchard country. If you are in the York, Adams, or Cumberland County area, we hope you will stop by and get to know our crazy family.
One of our first tasks as we started out, was to find the best Non-GMO feed in the area. For the last few years, I've been traveling to Ernst Grain in Clear Spring, MD where Homestead Harvest Feed is made. I've had the privilege to see first hand where our feed is made. I'm pleased to now share this amazing feed with others in our area that care about what their animals are eating. Checkout our NonGMO Feed section to learn more.

Our first Christmas on the Ranch.

Dan and Joshua building the barnyard, using lumber from the ranch.

Our first chicks given to us by Gary from Pittsburgh

This was our first chicken in Etters, PA.